· space · 3 min read

Version 10.0.0 Release Notes

The latest update introduces 3D satellite FOV cones, advanced sensor capabilities, and enhanced timelines, improving the way users interact with satellite data.

The latest update introduces 3D satellite FOV cones, advanced sensor capabilities, and enhanced timelines, improving the way users interact with satellite data.

Latest Update is Now Live

KeepTrack Version 10.0.0 has been released, bringing significant improvements to the open-source satellite tracking software. This update introduces new features and optimizations that enhance functionality and user experience.

New Visualization Features

A key addition in this release is the introduction of 3D Satellite Field of View (FOV) Cones. Users can now visualize satellite coverage in three dimensions, with adjustable cones that provide a clearer understanding of each satellite’s field of view. This feature comes with an updated FOV menu and a new keyboard shortcut for ease of use.

Improved Sensor Representation

Version 10.0.0 adds radar dome visualizations, offering a more accurate representation of certain sensor types. The sensor management system has been updated to incorporate this new feature, and the sensor FOV mesh and factory have been refactored for better performance. This means the old marker system (tons of dots that made up the field of view) is now officially dead! I’m sorry it took so long to learn how to create meshes like this.

Timeline Analysis Tools

Two new timeline features have been added to KeepTrack:

  1. Satellite Timeline: A new plugin for visualizing multiple satellites’ passes over time across a single sensor.
  2. Sensor Timeline: A tool to view and analyze multiple sensor contacts over specified periods for a single satellite.

These additions aim to provide more detailed insights into satellite behavior and sensor coverage. Download button included!

User Interface Updates

The user interface has received several updates:

  • New icons and logos throughout the application
  • Updated splash screens
  • Improved responsiveness to window resizing

Keyboard shortcuts have been expanded and aligned with Kerbal Space Program. I have always worked to make this tool beautiful, but for this update I did a lot of work to make it more intuitive too.

Search and Information Enhancements

Finding and analyzing satellites has been improved:

  • Ability to search by alternative satellite names (ex: GPS can now actaully be found with “GPS”)
  • Updated look angles logic with a new type column to show Rise/Max El/Set
  • Enhanced polar plots with added satellite catalog number and time information

Performance Improvements

KeepTrack 10.0.0 includes several performance optimizations:

  • Replacement of marker logic with more efficient rendering techniques
  • Improved handling of large numbers of objects
  • Refactored components for smoother operation

Developer Updates

For those contributing to KeepTrack’s development:

  • Improved testing environment
  • Added type annotations to various components
  • Refactored code in multiple areas for easier maintenance

Try it Now

Version 10.0.0 represents a significant update to the software’s capabilities. As the number of satellites in orbit continues to grow, our tools need to keep up and help users see the complete picture, but also be able to rapidly filter out the noise.

The latest version is available at app.keeptrack.space and the new documentation is at docs.keeptrack.space. Feedback and contributions from the community are always welcome! Thanks to everyone who has helped further improve the software.

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